Comprendre les enjeux de l'agriculture

The FIARA, International Agriculture and Animal Resources Fair, held in Dakar, is an annual event popular with local and regional farmers. It is an ideal opportunity to promote exchanges between Senegalese producer organizations and the sub-region. It is organized annually by producers whose mission is to promote rural professions and all agro-silvo-pastoral and fisheries productions in Senegal and the sub-region. The fair features several exhibitions focused on agriculture, craftsmanship, fishing, packaging industry, livestock, agricultural machinery, as well as new agro-food transformations. This year, the FIARA 2024 had the theme: “The Challenge of Food Sovereignty in the Face of Climate Change”. Held at the CICES, the International Center for Foreign Trade of Senegal, the fair highlighted the progress of local agriculture and identified areas for improvement and gaps in Senegalese agriculture.