Comprendre les enjeux de l'agriculture

Blue Carbon assists companies in their decarbonization policy. This company has recently signed forest management agreements covering 25 million hectares of African forests with four countries:

– Liberia;
– Tanzania;
– Zambia;
– Zimbabwe.

By making these areas available, the company could enable various Emirati countries to offset their polluting emissions through carbon credits.

This “carbon credit” mechanism is strongly criticized, firstly because it is seen as a license to pollute accessible to the wealthiest companies. Secondly, some observers have questioned the value of the projects carried out by companies under these carbon credits.

According to NGOs, the social aspect is not taken into account in these projects. In Liberia, for example, the appropriation of forest land could penalize one million inhabitants who depend on its exploitation.


Source: Deezer Podcast “Le Regard du Monde Afrique”