Comprendre les enjeux de l'agriculture

In the Casamance region, known as the “Green Senegal,” the agri-food sector provides 9 out of 10 jobs, but inadequate income conditions persist due to the lack of organized supply chains.

To combat this situation, women have decided to establish Economic Interest Groups (EIGs). These groups provide a formal status, allow for resource pooling, and enhance income levels.

Noëlle Niouky leads the “Demir” EIG, which consists of 15 collaborating women who share profits. Instead of informal sales, their products are sold through a store, offering buyers cashew apple-derived juice, oil, and flour.

EIGs also signify recognition by government authorities, banks, and professional networks. The Demir EIG becomes eligible for assistance, loans, and participation in trade shows.

In 2022, 522 groups were supported by the Professional and Technical Training Financing Fund (3FPT). This governmental organization aims to foster the development of the formal economy.

However, Noëlle Niouky laments the low income levels generated by agricultural activities, which no longer attract the youth.


Source: Le Monde