Comprendre les enjeux de l'agriculture

Africa has accumulated expertise in combating the increasing occurrences of drought. Based on experiences conducted within its AdaptAction program, the Agence France Développement (AFD) has identified the five most interesting ones.

Reuse of Wastewater : In Tunisia, facing water scarcity issues, a strategy has been implemented to manage all water resources, including treated wastewater. The state allows their reuse in various sectors such as agriculture, green spaces, and industries.

Maintenance of Aquifers : In Senegal, mining and agricultural sectors jeopardize aquifers. The government focuses on recharging them by promoting infiltration and channeling rainwater to these underground reserves. Retention basins are brought back into service, and natural areas are reforested. Simultaneously, farmers are encouraged to adopt more sustainable farming practices, such as organic amendments and diversified crops.

Water Retention in Soils : Arid lands struggle to benefit from rainfall. To enhance water capture and moisture retention in soils, African farmers dig small channels filled with stones. In case of rain, runoff is slowed down by these filtering cords, retaining sediment and water in the soils. Studies show that this technique improves yields by up to 70%, according to AFD.

Promotion of Agroforestry : To accelerate biodiversity development, several states encourage farmers to adopt agroforestry, which involves integrating vegetation, crops, and livestock on the same farm. This strategy creates a favorable ecosystem: vegetation provides shade and coolness for crops and livestock.

Inclusion of Stakeholders : The fight against climate change is only effective when jointly conducted. Technical solutions cannot be successful without concerted public action to maintain a balance among users. For example, in the context of the groundwater recharge project in Senegal, all stakeholders contributed to the development of the feasibility plan: authorities, experts, farmers, and industrialists.


Source: AFD