Regenerative agriculture is profitable
Farms which sequester carbon perform better financially
Regenerative and ecological agriculture is based on two convictions:
That a massive transition t... Lire la suite...
Chuck de Liedekerke est le PDG de Soil Capital, une société de gestion des terres agricoles qu'il a cofondée en 2014. Soil Capital se consacre à l'agriculture régénérative à grande échelle grâce à des performances financières compétitives. Chuck a également travaillé comme PDG d'un portefeuille mondial privé de fermes fruitières et comme banquier d'affaires chez Morgan Stanley. Il est diplômé de Sciences-Po Paris et titulaire d'un MBA de l'INSEAD. Chuck de Liedekerke is CEO of Soil Capital, a farmland management company which he co-founded in 2014. Soil Capital is dedicated to scale regenerative agriculture through competitive financial performance. Chuck also worked as CEO of a privately held global portfolio of fruit farms and as an investment banker with Morgan Stanley. He graduated from Sciences-Po Paris and holds an MBA from INSEAD.